"Establishing a climate of control"

Internal controls:

We firmly believe that establishing a strong climate of control is key to providing accurate, timely and intelligent management accounts.


Prior to being appointed as your business management consultant we will conduct a comprehensive internal audit covering the following cycles and provide you with a report of the detailed evidence based findings: 

  • Revenue
  • Purchasing
  • Pay-roll
  • Treasury
  • IT & security

The review has the dual benefit of enabling CML to get an in depth understanding of the business and the challenges it faces, and it also provides a base line from which to build. As a management tool the report also has an independent value to you, regardless of whether or not you decide to appoint CML.   This is because it will highlight any weakness in controls that may have a detrimental economic impact on your business and it will also propose practical solutions.


The review can, therefore, be conducted as a one off service, but should you decide to proceed with appointing CML to impliment the recomendations, the cost will be included in the fees for the first year.