“The earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” Mahatma Gandhi

A sustainable enterprise:


For us social and environmental responsibility is at the heart of the way we do business. We set very high standards for ourselves because we are determined to protect the reputation and profitability of the business. Fine words, but what does this mean in practice?


Economic Viability 

It goes without saying that we must remain profitable to be sustainable. By working in partnership with local suppliers we are able to contain costs whilst ensuring their own viability, in part due to our mutual long term support and encouragement.


Social Responsibility 

Throughout the year we will receive requests for help and support from a great many extremely worthwhile local organisations. Whilst we would love to support them all, realistically we are obliged to restrict our support to a limited number. We want to be recognised as a fair employer and ensure that our employees and clients are proud to be associated with the CML.


Environmental Responsibility 

Whenever possible we aim to operate as a paperless operation, and we encourage environmental responsibility because it makes great business sense.